The Carolina, Southeastern Michigan, and Rochester Chapters of the Society for Technical Communication participated in a joint webinar as presenters from each chapter discussed how to leverage social media and the Internet as technical communications professionals. Check out the slides!
Using Twitter to Achieve Tech Comm Fame and Fortune
Peggy Harvey of the Carolina Chapter describes how she used Twitter as a tech comm graduate student to expand her horizons and become part of the tech comm community. She demo’d a tool you can use to monitor Twitter effectively and provided tips on how to become a productive tweeter – without going crazy in the process. Using Twitter for Fame and Fortune
Recharge Your Career with an Electrifying Online Portfolio
Mark Lockwood of the Southeastern Michigan Chapter discussed the benefits of creating and leveraging an online portfolio to increase business and networking and how the Southeastern Michigan Chapter has implemented this feature on their website. Stc sm mlockwood-portfolio-pres-1-20-11
Shockproofing Your Use of Social Media
Social media has stormed its way into our daily techcomm work and private lives. Did you know that at the same time cyber criminals are pouring millions of dollars into attacks on social network users, often to conduct identity theft? Do you know how to protect yourself? Ben Woelk of the Rochester Chapter talked about the top ten things to do to stay safely grounded as you use social media. Shockproofing Your Use of Social Media
View more presentations from Carolina Chapter of STC.