The Rochester Chapter is waiting for confirmation of fall dates for Spectrum 2020. Please watch the website for the new date. If you’re registered for Spectrum, you’ll receive the news first by email.
Assuming we are allowed to gather later in the year, Spectrum will be face-to-face at the Rochester Institute of Technology. It will also be available online and it will be archived, all for registrants only. The details will be worked out with presenters and sponsors in the coming months.
We asked RIT for dates for Spectrum 2021 early this year, and we will have the conference April 17, 18, and 19, 2021 (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday). This should mean good weather, and we will be past religious holidays. Spectrum 2021 will also be both a face-to-face and an online event, providing some insurance against a late season snowstorm.
Please plan to attend Spectrum 2021 a year from April, and to attend the conference this fall too. See you at Spectrum!