Resource Reviews, August 2018: Technical Writing

Proof SheetThis month’s resources include two articles on specific types of technical writing and a quick reference on grammar for writers.

In “The Strange Art of Writing App Release Notes” Amy Nordrum gives examples of creative approaches to writing release notes. Writing release notes can provide a good opportunity to connect with users. It’s necessary to balance a creative approach with ensuring release notes include needed information. Typically release notes summarize the major changes in an update and list the “bug fixes.” Release notes for the Transit app showcase the new features in a conversational style. Medium, a social journalism platform, has a humorous approach to release notes. Evernote, 1Password, and Tumblr use a similar text-based approach with screenshots.

A Roadmap to Agile Documentation by Ester F. Gonçalves is a brief description of the fundamentals of documentation within agile methods.

The Ultimate Grammar Cheat Sheet for Writers,” provides an infographic summarizing:

  • Six grammar errors that can affect your storytelling
  • Ten confusing words
  • Ten alternatives for the top five emotions
  • Ten proofreading tips